(Luzerner Neue Nachrichten, Switzerland; November 2020)
Susanne Holz
There is not a huge difference: the elegance of a stretched female body about to dive straight as an arrow into the water, And the powerful elegance of the bull setting out to take a turn. head slightly lowered, while the right front leg reaches out and the eyes already know the way.
The slender bodies of the swimming costume-beauties differ only in shape from the massive body of the bull. But in expression they are alike: they are a pure celebration of grace and power. Concentrated in the fight, and not trying to make a bad figure. The German artist Adam Pete, born in 1966 in Poland and living in Palma de Mallorca since 1998, explains in an interview: "The main theme of my painting is movement itself. The 54-year-old painter; lyricist and performer is an integral part of the Mallorcan art scene and present worldwide as an artist. The exhibition at Lucerne's Galerie Harlekin is his first exhibition in Switzerland.